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How Guido Works

What is SaveFaragola?

  • It is a summer marathon of guided tours (from 16 August to 30 September 2018) with the aim of raising funds. Those funds will be distributed to the the Apulia Felix Foundation with the aim of recovering the archaeological site of Faragola (Ascoli Satriano - FG), seriously damaged last September 2017 during a fire of malicious nature.

  • The format ILLUMINATI AD ARTE, conceived and promoted by the association The Monuments people, provides that the experience is carried out at dusk or at twilight in order to use candles, torches, lanterns and those who have more put it on, for the lighting of the chosen monuments!

  • Supporting #savefaragola is simple: choose an event from your region, bring a friend and spread the word. Your participation will help the Apulia Felix Foundation to recover the Faragola site.

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Buy your friend a tour and support Faragola!
Buy your friend a tour and support Faragola!

Raised to #saveFaragola!



When will start?




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